Noticias Invisiveis

by MKRsimpson

In the Media


Sep 23, 2011 by KJ Mullins6 comments

Op-Ed: Wall  Street is Occupied protest not getting media coverage

By KJ Mullins.
New York–  Wall Street is being occupied by protesters  against corporate greed. Several of the peaceful protesters have been arrested  during the Occupy Wall Street protest by those who say they are the 99 percent  of Americans who are facing economic crisis.

The protesters are maintaining  a peaceful encampment protesting the financial institutions that have been in  the protesters words being in control of our land.

Starting  last weekendwith 5,000 people camping on Liberty Street just blocks from  the center of the United States banking center protesters have slowly left,  today there is only about 200 strong keeping up the peaceful protest. One of  those that has been part of the movement is Michael Moore, the filmmaker who has  documented Wall Street in the past and the corruption that takes place behind  the gilded doors.

Thousand protesters marched on Wall Street  with a couple hundred continuing into the night occupyin...

Collin  Anderson
Thousand protesters marched on  Wall Street, with a couple hundred continuing into the night occupying Liberty  Plaza in lower Manhattan.
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Some of the demands  of the group is to end the modern gilded age, end joblessness, stop political  corruption, end health profiteering and ending war.

Two participants in the Occupy Wall Street demonstration against Wall Street s practices and influen...

Two participants in the Occupy  Wall Street demonstration against Wall Street’s practices and influence over  government.
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What could have been a media  boom though has roughly gone unreported.  The marches are being reported but the general assembly of those who are taking  part is lacking coverage for what is a global movement.

The major networks have ignored the  protest centered in their own nation. Had the action taken place in an  undeveloped area of the world there would be non-stop coverage of it. Instead in  America the status quo of the one percent that have the most power when it comes  to the economic situation in the States are looking the other way.

Would the situation be different if the  Tea Party was part of the story? Some believe that would be the case. When the Tea Partyhas a few  hundred people gather for a protest the media hounds are snapping at their  tails.

What does it take to get the media  involved in a peaceful action that protests those who few that have the most  power? Without the media focus the rest of the nation is left unaware of what is  happening on the very doors of the banking world. Does peaceful protest only  matter when its past the borders in a far off land with dictators who have  physically harmed their citizens?

Is poverty not a harm to the average  man? Does not being able to have a job because of the economy not changing the  landscape of America?

Does major network news only matter  when it shows the ‘best’ of America or a ghastly crime? If Rosa Parks was  protesting today would she be ignored?

This opinion article was  written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are  those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of

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